Month: October 2016

Yankee Candle Holiday Shopping starts today!

Yankee Candle Shopping starts today! If Yankee Candles are already on your holiday shopping list why not earn funds for PR at the same time!! It’s so easy just go to, find the “Start Shopping” section on the left side of the page and enter our Group # 990082124 (seller id not required), then click “Start Shopping”! For more information visit PTA Yankee Candle info!

Time to turn in the Box Tops you have been saving all summer!!

Get those clippings together this weekend to turn in by Monday! Pleasant Ridge receives 10¢ for every box top received. Find out more at

Simply send to your teacher in a plastic bag. Please turn in all of your Box Tops for our first collection date of the year, Monday, October 24th! The class with the most Tops wins a prize!

Happy clipping!