Staff Appreciation Week 5/6 – 5/10

Help us honor the amazing teachers and staff here at Pleasant Ridge! We are so fortunate to have a wide network of wonderful people who care for our children every day. We have an amazing week planned to celebrate them, but will need YOUR help in making this happen! Please see the signup for monetary donations, food/item donations and set up volunteer slots. You may sign up for more than one slot and certainly ALL donations are accepted. Cash or check donations can be sent in with your student in an envelope labeled Staff Appreciation Week or dropped off directly to Karen or Kristi in the front office. 

Bingo Night Volunteers Needed!

Bingo for Books will be a fun night for the PR community to come together and play Bingo, win some cool book related prizes, enjoy ice cream, and even peruse the Scholastic Book Fair. Volunteers are needed to help us get the Gym ready for beach blanket bingo and the cafeteria set for ice cream fun, some help along the way, and cleaning up. Thank you for continued support and commitment. We are looking forward to seeing you there and are grateful for you! Bingo Volunteer Sign Up:
